Do you experience any of these problems?
Problem: Sound levels are too loud on my outdoor range and neighbors are complaining.
Problem: Sound levels are too loud on my outdoor range and I was told I had 1 year to fix the problem.
Problem: I am being told that to do a sound study to determine what I should do to decrease sound transmission will cost $150,000 or more with no guarantee
Problem: I am reluctant to spend any money on noise reduction solutions because no one can tell them they can decrease sound transmissions to a certain level. I do not want to waste money for no guarantee in return.

We have developed an “Advance Muzzle Blast Containment System” for use on Indoor or Outdoor Ranges that we guarantee provides noise reduction of 34 decibels (dB) at the firing line and a reduction of sound pressure level (SPL) to near zero
Construction Type:
Insertable Panel
Replaceable Acoustic Filters
Minimum 34 decibel levels
Mildew and Water Resistant
Fire Resistant and Retardant